Post Surgery massages


After you have plastic surgery, particularly a body procedure like a tummy tuck, liposuction, or a mommy makeover, you want to heal as quickly as possible. You want to feel better so you can get back to your daily routine, but you also are excited to see the results of your procedure more quickly. While rest, gentle activity, and following your post-op instructions are key, lymphatic drainage massage can accelerate your recovery period.

Post-Surgery Massages

Post-Surgery Massage are treatments to relieve the pain after cosmetic surgery. Using the lymphatic drainage Massage Techniques. The Lymphatic Massage It is a massage performed by gentle, slow and repeated manipulations, which helps to transport the lymph by overcoming the lymphatic vessels, thereby triggering automation and circulation. This facilitates the exit of the lymph that has been able to accumulate, especially on or under the skin. Lymphatic Massage and post plastic surgery technologies helps to reduce the main undesirable side effects of surgical interventions. Improves health and beauty, relieves disorders such as edemas states of lymphatic.


1 Session  50 min – $190
5 Sessions 50 min – $800
10 Sessions 50 min – $1500


*Includes one Aquam Recovery Solution

What Is Lymphatic Massage?

The Lymphatic Massage It is a massage performed by gentle, slow, and repeated manipulations, which helps to transport the lymph by overcoming the lymphatic vessels, thereby triggering automation and circulation. This facilitates the exit of the lymph that has been able to accumulate, especially on or under the skin. Lymphatic Massage and post-plastic surgery technologies help to reduce the main undesirable side effects of surgical interventions. Improves health and beauty, and relieves disorders such as edemas states lymphatic.

Benefits of Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Your lymphatic system is key to healing, regenerating tissues, and removing toxins from the body. When the body has experienced stress, such as fighting off illness, healing from an infection, or experiencing emotional stress, the lymphatic system can slow down. Manual lymphatic massage helps “re-start” the system of moving lymph through the body and can provide a variety of benefits, including:


  • More efficient healing from illness, injury, or surgery
  • Supports relaxation and relieves stress
  • Reduces scar formation by boosting healing responses
  • Removes excess water and metabolic waste from the tissues in the body
  • Reduces swelling and fluid retention
  • Improves skin quality and provides a more vibrant appearance

Why Is Lymphatic Massage Important After Cosmetic Surgery?

One of the side effects of cosmetic surgery is swelling. This is a normal inflammatory response and a part of the healing process as fluid rushes to the area to nourish it with white blood cells. Body procedures, particularly tummy tucks and liposuction, often cause additional swelling as excess fluid and fat cells will harden within a few weeks of surgery. Lymphatic massage helps to move the fluid that’s built up and allows it to move back into the lymphatic passages where excess waste and fluid can be flushed from the body. This prevents fibrosis, which is the development of thick, fibrous scar tissue under the skin as well as reduces swelling and bruising.


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